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welcome to renj's corner of the internet!

Welcome to Renj's corner of the internet! Get ready for some rad ramblings about life, all decked out in a totally retro theme because, like, why not? HAHAAHAHAHHAHA. This personal website might just lead you down a rabbit hole where you shouldn't be clicking. Check out my poetry stash on neocities, the ultimate chill spot for my creative vibes.

>Social media? Pshh, too constricting, am I right? Everyone should be kickin' it in their own web nook, free from those buzzkill algorithms, tracking cookies, and annoying ads.

Social media's like, totally stifling, you know? We all deserve our own cyber space to let loose and express ourselves, no hassles with algorithms, tracking, or ads.

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why i'm here

Since June, I've been unusually quiet online. No constant updates, no endless scrolling. Instead, I've been here, crafting this digital escape. It started as a break from the noise, but it's become so much more than that.

This website is the result of my digital sabbatical. Every pixelated button, every retro-inspired graphic - they're all pieces of the quiet I've found. It's been a journey of rediscovering the joy in creating something just for the sake of it, away from likes and shares.

Surprisingly, I've enjoyed this detour more than I expected. It's reminded me of the early days of the internet, when personal websites were labors of love. This space is my way of reclaiming that spirit. Welcome to my retreat - I hope you find it as refreshing as I do.

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